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This is the Dawning of the Age of Asparagus!

Asparagus officinalis is a delicious vegetable which is widely used in medical treatments, namely nutrition based metabolic therapy. Its name derives from the Greek term ‘sprout.’ Asparagus has nearly 300 variations, p[rimarilyly in green, white and purple. While most common asparagus variations are green, the white variations lack chlorophyll as they are grown in the dark, and the purple variations are grown in soils rich in phyto-chemicals (chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria and plant virus infections, and also defends them form being consumed by insects).

In our chef-prepared meals , Comfort Keto frequently includes this healthy super-food, the "asparagus" which provides several of the essential nutrients the body needs (important minerals and vitamins that are imperative to the body’s cellular and metabolic functions) to help you lead a youthful and active lifestyle. Asparagus simply improves many of the body’s functions such as cardiovascular, reproductive and immune-related as well.

Asparagus' health benefits include:

  • Maintaining the level of homocysteine,

  • protecting the blood vessels,

  • regulating the blood sugar level,

  • enhancing the skin,

  • alleviating menstrual symptoms,

  • improve fertility,

  • cures hangover, and

  • supports better eyesight.

Other fantastic benefits of this super food include reducing inflammation caused by rheumatism, preventing tuberculosis, reducing the risk of neuro-degenerative disease, treating symptoms of epilepsy, increasing cell production, lowering cholesterol levels, and increasing energy level.

Health Benefits of Asparagus

Maintains the Level of Homocysteine

Asparagus contains various B vitamins that are important for maintaining adequate levels of the homocysteine hormone in our body. This hormone is produced by the blood whenever amino acids are broken down in the body. The vitamins found in asparagus help in converting homocysteine into cysteine as part of a normal methylation cycle with takes place in the body. Note: The methylation cycle is important because it takes the nutrients from our food and from the supplements we take, to make the energy our bodies need to work properly.

Protects the Blood Vessels

Asparagus is a good source of B vitamins without which we would be in danger of suffering from deficiencies which can cause elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood. This condition poses a high risk of damaging the fine blood vessels. There is also the risk of developing other cardiovascular disorders such as venous thrombosis (formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system) and atherosclerosis (the wall of the artery develops lesions; these abnormalities lead to plaque build up and cause narrowing).

Regulates the Blood Sugar Level

The soluble fiber and antioxidants packed in asparagus help prevent the risk of type-2 diabetes. Soluble fiber regulates the amount of glucose that is absorbed within the intestine. The antioxidants help in reducing the inflammation that is associated with diabetes.

Asparagus also contains minerals that directly affect the pancreatic cells that are in charge of regulating insulin secretion.

Great for Skin

The niacin (a form of vitamin B₃) in asparagus is an organic compound which helps with getting rid of the most severe cases of acne. It also aids in reducing irritation and redness that is caused by acne scars. The antioxidants contained in asparagus are capable of fighting harmful free radicals that wreak havoc in the body and cause the skin cells to age quickly.

Alleviates Menstrual Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome, cramps, and mood swings are all uninvited guests that accompany a woman’s monthly menstrual period. The Vitamin K and Calcium content in asparagus are exceptional to combat these conditions and can alleviate the symptoms. While vitamin K combats painful cramps by reducing excessive clotting of blood, calcium aids in reducing bloat, headaches and sudden change of mood.

Improves Fertility

The vitamin E contained in asparagus has been found to improve sex cells within the bodies of both males and females. It helps in thickening the uterine lining, readying it for plantation and also keeps sperm cells healthy by lipid peroxidation (lipid peroxidation is the process in which free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage).

Improves Eyesight

Asparagus contains essential B vitamins that are helpful in retaining healthy eyesight. Studies have found that this group of vitamins has properties that allow them to prevent macular degeneration effectively. Macular degeneration is associated with age and is the medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. There is also evidence of asparagus' ability to prevent cataracts from forming in the eye.

Reduce Inflammation Caused By Rheumatism

Rheumatic arthritis is highly common among seniors, and it is characterized by inflammation, joint pain and inhibited movement. Niacin is often prescribed to reduce the pain caused by rheumatic arthritis, but regular consumption of asparagus can provide the necessary ailment without inducing harmful side effects that Niacin causes.

Asparagus also helps in reducing the swelling and aching of the joints.

Prevents Tuberculosis

Caused by infectious bacteria that target the lungs, tuberculosis gives births to symptoms such as vomiting, fatigue and even coughing blood. The roots of asparagus are helpful in treating lung-related diseases such tuberculosis and bronchitis.

Reduces Risk of Neuro-degenerative Disease

Neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia can be extremely stressful not only for the sufferers but their families as well. The introduction of asparagus to one’s diet can lessen the risks of developing such diseases because of the folate that asparagus contains. It plays a role in producing serotonin as well, which is important to ensure proper cognitive and behavioral development.

Treats Symptoms of Epilepsy

The main symptoms of the neurological disease epilepsy are the painful seizures. The spasms that are suffered by the individual are very painful and limit the control that they have on their body. Asparagus has been treated like an herbal remedy for epileptic seizures, and this use is dated back to the tribal communities that knew of this benefit.

Increases Cell Production

The copper in asparagus helps in the crucial process of oxygenating the blood, and a disruption in the process is what causes stunted growth and slow metabolism. Regular consumption of asparagus can fight off improper oxygenation of red blood cells and reduces the symptoms of malnourishment at cellular level.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

The dietary fiber and niacin in asparagus can help in reducing levels of harmful cholesterol. Regular consumption of asparagus can improve blood profile and lead to lower risks or cardiovascular disease as a result.

Increases Energy Levels

The magnesium content in asparagus can help in keeping you energetic and alert for longer periods of time without experiencing rapid fatigue. An increased metabolism is also a result of regular consumption of asparagus which can boost physical performance.

Cure for a Hangover

Symptoms of a hangover include nausea, fatigue, exhaustion and dehydration which can be cured by a serving of asparagus. The leaves and shoot of the sprout can help in reducing the toxicity in the liver that occurs after excessive alcohol consumption as well.

Bon Appetite!


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